Thursday, October 12, 2006

Reading Marathon

As the weather has been cooling off I have been cranking through a serious dose of books from the Teton County Library. Currently, I have finished 4.5 books in the past 4 weeks.

Quick notes on 2:

Botany of Desire -- M. Polland

A good read, would be especially interesting to a gardener. The piece of non-fiction investigates how human interaction has helped to evolve a selection of plants and how these plants have impacted human life. The potato chapter is especially interesting due to my close proximity to Idaho and the Spud.

Three Billion New Capitalists -- C. Prestowitz

Describes how the US will face a world of challenge from the East over the next 10-20 years. Basically, the premise is that 3 million people in China and India are better educated and more motivated then the majority of workers in America.

I work daily with a team in India and the above statement is true. We need to continue to build our skills to compete.


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