Sunday, November 26, 2006

Barcelona – Wednesday – Friday

We spent the majority of Wednesday wandering through old town Barcelona and getting lost in the maze of medieval streets while enjoying beer, wine, coffee, food and shopping.

In the afternoon we decided to scout out the central market for our Thanksgiving feast. We found a few vendors who were selling portions of turkey and quickly arranged to pickup a bird on Thursday.

One of the main goals of the trip was to “eat our way” through Northern Spain. To help accomplish this goal in one week we managed to eat 4 meals per day – it’s a great way to live because the Spanish cook wonderful food.

After a late siesta we enjoyed a wonderful dinner adjacent to the port. The food consisted of shrimp, mussels, paella, an assortment of fish, along with roasted lamb and goat. We ate Spanish style and did not finish the meal until 11:30pm. This gave us ample time for 8 hours of rest before the next cup of coffee that powered us through a number of museums on Thursday before having an enjoyable Thanksgiving dinner.

Our Thanksgiving dinner was a wonderful blend of new and old friends which enabled everyone to realize the true meaning of the holiday. I personally feel that it’s important to occasionally have Thanksgiving with a few people who don’t know each other. This usually provides a great dynamic and helps to bring out the best in everyone.

Friday was spent walking through the Picasso museum and learning how Picasso stated to win major art contests in Paris before he was 20 years old. The exhibit moved towards his later life and clearly defined his visions for cubism and helped demonstrate where the cubist ideas originated.

After the walking through the streets we ended up wandering into another excellent restaurant for dinner. Friday was one of the most enjoyable meals of the trip and sadly our last meal before departing on a 7am flight.


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